Friday, June 4, 2010

In the Airport

I love Seattle! They're one of the few airports with free Internet!

Well, so far the Lord has blessed me with a wonderful sleep and rest last night. I can only imagine that he'll take care of everything else too.

I've never been checked in and through security faster in my life. I dropped the checked bag at the curbside service, and because I'm on Southwest, there isn't any checked bag fee. Those are so ridiculous. There wasn't anything near a line at security and I walked right up. It took more time to get my laptop out of my bag and take my shoes off than anything else.

So I checked out a couple shops in the main concourse and I ended up buying a yogurt parfait for breakfast. Mom and I have gotten these before: granola and cranberry in plain yogurt... mmm.

So I have just under an hour until they start boarding here at gate B10. It'll be a 5-hour flight to Baltimore, and then almost 2 hours to New York. Then it's a bit of a drive... See you tonight!

Off I go... wheeeeeee!

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